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I think i made this up first

I think i made this up first
Life is a journey…so start walkin’
Peace comes to those who work for it…war comes to those who want it.
Something means everything to someone who has nothing
This is mine and my homie alexs’
A man who is “sane” sees life through a veil…a man who is depresed sees life for what it is.
mine again
even lucky people come to bumps in the road
A person who goes out and experiences life is truly happier than one who peeks out from behind a curtain and watches the other
A rock is steadier than sand blowing in the wind


life is like a journey twists and turns come with it. but its how u handle those twists and turns that determine who you are.

life is like a journey twists and turns come with it. but its how u handle those twists and turns that determine who you are.


It is better to mind drugs that can put us in prison, than to be a prisoner of your own mind

It is better to mind drugs that can put us in prison, than to be a prisoner of your own mind
It is better to mind drugs that can put us in prison, than allow them to make you a prisoner of your own mind
There is a deaper meaning to everything if you take the time to look



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