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Dont Sweat the technique.

Dont Sweat the technique.
Grab what is yours
Dont take life for granted.
Dont drink and drive smoke and fly.
Dont believe in others, judge urself and then you will believe.
Dont hate what you dont know.
Seeing is believing.
Dont think – Feel.
Water is like your heart a touch can be endless riples in a bowl.


Don’t wait to start the project, or task because when the time comes to attempt it excuses are brought

Don’t wait to start the project, or task because when the time comes to attempt it excuses are brought upon and nothing will get finished, procrastination feels good at the moment but will always bring disappointment…..


He who confronts the paradoxical exposes himself to reality.

Some of my Fav. quotes..
He who confronts the paradoxical exposes himself to reality.
Evil prevails when good men fail to act.
Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.
Self knowledge is a dangerous thing tending to make man shallow or insane.(Which one are you)


Never look at the past because it makes you future not worth anything try to move on as you go

Never look at the past because it makes you future not worth anything try to move on as you go. Try to keep the emotions in control whenever you see something that makes you future meaningless. Keep the problems into minimum quality and forget them as you move on with your life. Better chance like this makes you happier and stonger and makes dreams come true faster. Doing this makes you work harder and smarter and you will achieve faster to what you are working hard for.


Before you make a decision, be aware of how others see the picture

Make sure the facts are straight before you start drawing conclusions
If your words aren’t grounded in the truth, they will backfire.
Finish what is on your plate before you reach for another dish.
After you have figured out who you are, share yourself with the world.
Before you make a decision, be aware of how others see the picture.



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