Perfection is what you see it as, not what others make it as.
True perfection is in all the little imperfections.
Perfection doesn’t exist
if you work hard on something, it’s still not perfect, just better than before.
no one would love you for being perfect
it’s like no one hates you for being imperfect
“perfection is only for god”
You might aim for perfection..but then again..i achieve it..xD
nobody is perfect, i am nobody, therefore i am perfect
Never walk away from someone when you see faults, be patient and realize that nobody is perfect, it’s affection that matters, not perfection!!!
Perfect people worry me!
yOu aRe suRely nOt perfeCt…
sO doN’t looK foR a perfeCt oNe!!!
aLL oS uS cAn mAke mistAkes,,,
iF yOu dOn’t tHeN you’Re nOt a humAn…
Everyone is perfect, I can see it. If you cant, you will someday. Everything is how it should be, once you find freedom the perfect person for you will appear. How do I know, it just happened to me. Be love
it’s like no one hates you for being imperfect
aLL oS uS cAn mAke mistAkes,,,
iF yOu dOn’t tHeN you’Re nOt a humAn…